John I like to eat, drink, and mostly be merry!

Liquid Smoked Sea Salt Rub

Liquid Smoked Sea Salt Rub
Bring the savory flavor of a smoked barbeque to your kitchen without the need for a physical smoker.
  • Cuisine: Seasoning
  • Prep Time: 1M
  • Cook Time: 10M
  • Total Time: 20M


  • Liquid smoke
  • Sea salt rocks or flakes


  • Mixing bowl
  • Spoon


  • Add 1/2 tsp Liquid Smoke to 1 tbsp Sea Salt into a mixing bowl. The liquid Smoke goes a long way.
  • Mix together until mixture is fully combined. The Smoked Sea Salt may take on a yellowish color.
  • Store Smoked Sea Salt in a container and use at will.


Suggested Uses

  • Rub on steaks, roasts, or burgers
  • Sprinkle on ice cream
  • Add to vegetables before roasting
  • Salt rim for a cocktail, such as a Margarita
  • Add a pinch to hot chocolate

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